God's Campaign - 2024


Let your yes mean yes and your no mean no


I truly hesitate to write anything these days which needs to be published online. In my recent experience, the Internet has completely forgone any interest in truth and is increasingly filled with nothing but gross misinformation, blatant lies and marathon sales pitches for worthless trash. The biblical words in red, spoken by Jesus Christ and reintoned above, mandate honesty and require universal communication to all humankind.


If you listen to the average TV news talking head, scripted by self-aggrandizing political interests, they would have you believe inflation has increased your cost of living by only 20% or so over the past 5 years. My wife is an astute shopper and she assures me they are full of crap. The price of almost everything has easily doubled and in many, cases, tripled in that length of time. To me that’s 300% inflation! These obscene increases in food prices and housing costs have impacted many folks who are now unable to keep both food on the table and a roof over their family’s heads.


Medical insurance requires ridiculously high payments each month to maintain, especially considering the declining quality of care available to other-than wealthy folks these days, to say nothing of often months-long waits to get appointments.


Violence and war, expanding unchecked today in both our society and the world at large are costing vast amounts of the world’s wealth and resources, far too many lives and much of its moral bedrock.


Myriad rules promulgated by most religions of the world are difficult if not impossible to obey. They are far too numerous, overly intricate and largely adopted to appease the human desires of religious authorities and elites rather than reflecting the common-sense Truth of Divine Guidance. However, every religion in the world has the same Golden Rule deeply embedded in their most fundamental sacred beliefs


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you


If we do not follow this single, universal edict, the outlook for our future does not appear promising. This world is not just going to hell; I truly believe we’re pretty much there right now! I believe the ONLY thing that can pull us back from the abyss is our immediate acceptance of God’s Grace offered by His Messiah teachings. I also believe God’s Plan for humankind will bring pain to some before His Kingdom reigns; the eternal, fiery pain from which NO politician can pardon themselves or their inions!


If the Believers of the world would simply act as Jesus Christ taught His disciples at the Last Supper’s First Communion,


Love these as I have loved ye”,


His Return would be accomplished and God’s Eden restored.